Dragon, Ie wo Kau. (Dub) Episode 8

Dragon, Ie wo Kau. (Dub)

Other Name: Dragon, Ie wo Kau., Dragon Goes House-Hunting, Dragon’s House-Hunting, DoraIe, ドラゴン、家を買う。

Summary: In an RPG fantasy world, a red dragon named Letty is disowned by his parents after failing to guard their eggs. Now he has to find a place of his own, but unlike other dragons, Letty is meek, cowardly, and has overall low stats. Regardless, a defenseless young dragon makes for an easy target for those who only see him as a beast to be feared, vanquished, and even devoured. After some time searching for somewhere to call “home,” he encounters the elf Dearia, who saves him from a band of heroes. Both an architect and a real estate agent,…Continue reading

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