To LOVE-Ru Darkness (Dub) Episode 5

To LOVE-Ru Darkness (Dub)

Other Name: To LOVE-Ru Darkness, To LOVE Ru Darkness, To LOVE-Ru Trouble Darkness, To-Love-Ru Darkness, ToLoveRu Darkness, To LOVEる -とらぶる- ダークネス

Summary: As close encounters of the twisted kind between the residents of the planet Develuke (represented primarily by the female members of the royal family) and the inhabitants of Earth (represented mainly by one very exhausted Rito Yuki) continue to escalate, the situation spirals even further out of control. When junior princesses Nana and Momo transferred into Earth School where big sister LaLa can (theoretically) keep an eye on them, things SHOULD be smooth sailing. But when Momo decides she’d…Continue reading

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